
See how Squidex can be integrated into your software architecture

Client Libraries

Squidex can be integrated from any programming language due to the easy to use HTTP endpoints and GraphQL. But we provide SDKs for the most common programming language to make your work easier. All clients are generated from the OpenAPI specification, which ensures that the specification is up to date and can be used to generate SDKs for other programming languages as well.




Available for .NET Standard and especially designed for .NET Core. Support for Dependency Injection.



Works in the Node and in Browser. Typed models and clients, also for Javascript.

In Progress


Work in progress with the help from our friends at fern.

In Progress


Work in progress with the help from our friends at fern.



Work in progress with the help from our friends at fern.

In Progress





The powerful API can be used to query and manipulate content and assets. All operations are available and therefore you can automate everything.



The powerful GraphQL endpoint enables complex queries. It includes support to query assets and contents, to create and update content items and to combine both.

Full integration with caching for enhanced performance and subscriptions for live updates.

Restful HTTP API

Restful HTTP API

The Result HTTP API enables access to everything that can be managed in Squidex. You can create users, apps, content and schemas, rules, and settings. It also powers the Management UI to ensure that everything can be automated. Use the SDKs to built a strong connection to the API and to speed up development.

System Integrations

System integrations support you to publish your content to other systems to keep a copy for high availability.



Kafka is only available when you host Squidex yourself.

Kafka is developed by LinkedIn to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. If you have millions per events per day, Kafka is a great solution, but we recommend more lightweight alternatives for normal use cases.

You can publish your content items to Kafka to consume them by other services.

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RabbitMQ is only available when you host Squidex yourself.

With tens of thousands of users, RabbitMQ is one of the most popular open source message brokers., RabbitMQ is used worldwide at small startups and large enterprises. It is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols.

You can publish your content items to RabbitMQ to consume them by other services.

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Azure Queue

Azure Queue

Use Azure Queue Storage to build flexible applications and separate functions for better durability across large workloads. When you design applications for scale, application components can be decoupled, so that they can scale independently. Queue storage gives you asynchronous message queueing for communication between application components, whether they are running in the cloud, on the desktop, on-premises, or on mobile devices.

Read more at the Azure Documentation



The idea of webhooks are simple. You just provide a HTTP endpoint and this endpoint gets called by Squidex for all change you are interested in. This gives you the flexibility to do whatever you want and to choose your favorite programming language and tech stack.

You're only limited by your imagination.

Social Platforms



Automatically create a new topic or post when a content item has been published or for any other events.

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Medium is used by the Squidex website to publish new blog posts automatically. You can also define the canonical URL, the original home of this content, if it was originally published elsewhere, so that you do not get issues with duplicate content.

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Tweet something in the name of a user or account when a content item is created. Define the text and use placeholders to link to your just created content.

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Internal Workflows

Squidex Emails

Squidex Emails

Use our Email server to send out emails to users that might be interested when a content item or anything else in Squidex has been changed. This option is only available in the cloud, but if you host Squidex yourself you can also use a custom Email server.



If you teams is on slack you can use this integration to notify your team about important system events, for example when you are running out API calls.

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Web Development



Prerender is an Open Source solution to render your javascript based website for search engine crawlers. Google is already doing that, but other search engines still do not understand Javascript. This integration helps you to automatically invalidate your cached renderings when a content has been updated.

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Fastly is a Content delivery network to serve your content worldwide. For each content Squidex provides surrogate keys. These keys can be used to tell fastly which content items are provided by a HTTP endpoint and fastly maintains a list of all cache entries that contain this content item. The fastly integration allows you to invalidate all these cache entries automatically.

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